Banana Republicans.

The Carolina Coup? That sounds about right.

This isn’t “standard” hardball politics. This is the Imperial Legislature, acting with impunity to enshrine one-party rule in the state of North Carolina. This has nothing to do with the will of the people; if it did, the NCGOP’s plans would not have been hatched in secret and sprung on us at the last minute, in a hastily called (and possibly illegal) special session. (And comparisons to 1976 or 1985 don’t make it any righter.)

This is arrogance run amok. The Republicans are banking on we, the people, not paying attention; and on the anger to fade; and on those of us on the left having too much on our plates right now to deal with this, too.

I said it yesterday: Pay attention. Remember. Never normalize. Legislative elections are coming up soon.